FAQs - Yavapai College
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Empowerment of the College Police Department

The Yavapai College District Governing Board and the President of Yavapai County Community College, in and by the authority vested in them by the legislature of the State of Arizona, are empowered to organize, provide law enforcement for, and operate a college police agency within Yavapai County Community College District.

Yavapai College Police Officers are state certified and have the same powers as any police officer in the State of Arizona. All police officers in the State of Arizona, including Yavapai College Police Officers, have the authority to enforce laws within the limits imposed by the state and federal constitutions and judicial rulings.

Learn more about empowerment of the College Police department.

Official YC Incident Reporting

This form is for reporting possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Reports of risk related to individual student(s) behavior and possible threats to campus safety should be reported immediately to law enforcement.

Please visit this link for the link to file an official incident report with Yavapai College Residence Life.

If you have any questions about this form, please contact the Director of Residence Life and Judicial Affairs at (928) 776-2207.

Parking and Vehicular Traffic Rules and Procedures: All College Campus Locations

Parking and vehicular traffic on Yavapai College property shall be maintained and controlled through reasonable and prudent regulations and procedures developed and administered by the President, or his/ her designee.

Please visit this link for the revised Parking and Vehicular Traffic Rules and Procedures.

Explosives, Fireworks, & Weapons

The use, possession, display, or storage of any weapon, explosive device, or fireworks is strictly prohibited on all land and buildings owned, leased, or under the control of Yavapai College or its affiliated or related entitles, in all residential facilities, in all Yavapai College vehicles, and at all Yavapai College or Yavapai College affiliate-sponsored events and activities, except as provided in A.R.S. § 12-781.

Yavapai College students and employees are required to report violations and suspected violations of this Policy to the Yavapai College Police Department immediately by telephone. If the incident involves an immediate threat to life or property, 911 should be dialed.

The possession of any weapon on any College campus, whether or not concealed, is prohibited without written permission from the Yavapai College Chief of Police.

To learn more on this policy, visit this link.

Alcohol Awareness

When under the influence, you are more likely to take risks and make unwise choices. Your inhibitions are lowered and your judgment is impaired. The majority of safety related incidences occur when someone involved is under the influence. We are committed to making sure you have the information you need to make good, informed choices about alcohol.

We start by educating you to make sure you are aware of the risks and consequences of illegal and irresponsible alcohol use. We share sobering statistics from college campuses nationwide and help you understand the effects of excessive drinking.

Through our campus wide publicity efforts, you'll be reminded of the dangers of drinking, and you'll also find out about a wide variety of fun, alcohol-free activities and events and alcohol-education programs.

Learn more about alcohol use, relevant laws, and more.

Campus Crime Statistics (Clery Report)

YCPD maintains and publishes statistics related to crimes committed on or near campus per the requirements of the Clery Act. This information includes an Annual Security Report, crime logs, timely warnings, and a compilation of crime statistics.

Clery Act web page

Identity Theft Prevention

Identity fraud can be devastating if you are a victim, but there are ways to prevent identity theft. By taking some simple precautions, you can greatly reduce the likely-hood that your good name and credit will be stolen. Just how do you prevent identity theft from happening to you? Read the following list for some pointers.

  • Carry only the identification information and the number of credit and debit cards that you'll actually need.
  • Keep your personal information in your home secure, especially if you have roommates, employ outside help or are having service work done in your home.
  • Guard your Social Security number. It can be used to open new accounts, credit cards, or even get a job in your name.
  • Cancel unused credit card accounts.
  • Do not carry your SSN card; leave it in a secure place.
  • Ask about information security procedures in your workplace or at businesses, doctor's offices or other institutions that collect personally identifying information from you.
  • Order your credit report and monitor it often.
  • Remove your name from the marketing lists of the three credit bureaus to reduce the number of pre-approved credit offers you receive.
  • Buy a crosscut shredder. Shred all old bank and credit statements and credit card offers before throwing them in the trash.
  • Make copies of the contents of your wallet - in case your wallet or purse is stolen.
  • Do not leave mail with personal information in your mailbox.
  • Never give your credit card number, social security number, or other personal information over the phone unless you trust that individual and/or business.
  • Protect your personal information on your computer by installing a firewall and updating your virus protection.
  • Do not print your Social Security or Driver's License number on your checks.
  • Carefully examine the charges on your credit card and bank statements.
  • Subscribe to an identity theft protection service which will notify you whenever someone tries to assume your identity.
  • Place passwords on your credit card, bank, and phone accounts.

Some of the above content provided courtesy of Identity Theft Prevention Guide.

Illegal Drug Use

It's illegal to use, possess, sell, distribute, make, or transfer narcotics, illegal drugs, and prescription drugs (except as prescribed by your physician). Possessing drug paraphernalia on campus is also prohibited.

Learn more about illegal drug use

Personal Safety

Yavapai College prides itself on having a low crime rate, and one of the ways we keep it low is to encourage you to use common sense and be alert when you are out and about on campus. Reducing the attractiveness of Yavapai College as a target for criminal activity makes the community safer for everyone. Consider following just a few basic safety tips:

  • Identify the safest route between your residence hall, parking space, classes and activities.
  • Walk with confidence. Let your body language show that you are aware and in control.
  • Concentrate on your surroundings, not music or a cell phone call.
  • Travel in groups of two or more at night and always walk in well lit, heavily traveled areas.
  • Consider carrying a small, readily available, high intensity flashlight.
  • Stay on the part of the sidewalk that is farthest from shrubs, dark doorways and alleys.
  • Park in an area that will be well lit when you return.
  • Check your surroundings before getting out of your vehicle and check the back seat before getting back in. Have your car key in hand and ready to go.
  • Know the location of the campus Emergency Telephones.
  • Memorize the phone number of the College Police Department (928-776-2185) or 311 from campus phones and add it to your cell phone.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for an escort from the College Police Department.
  • Carry a whistle. Do not be afraid to scream if you need help.
  • Safety first: if you see a weapon, do not resist. Belongings can be replaced.
  • When you go out, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back.
  • Watch out for one another. Go to gatherings with friends, leave with friends.
  • Share your class schedule with family and close friends.
  • Avoid displaying large amounts of cash or other tempting targets such as jewelry, credit cards, electronics, or expensive clothing.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended, even for a few minutes.
  • Always lock your bicycle.
  • Photograph and mark your valuables, especially electronics, with invisible ink, and keep track of serial numbers. Engraving your valuables is also recommended.
  • Take advantage of services offered by college police, including defense classes tailored to men or women, police escorts and bicycle registration.
  • Always have a plan and take ownership of your safety!

Residence Hall Safety

Your residence hall is your home away from home, and it's important to work with your fellow students to keep it safe.

Residence Hall students are issued keys for their rooms. For personal safety and security of their valuables, students are encouraged to lock their rooms when leaving.

All exterior doors of Residence Halls are locked 24 hours a day. To access the building, you should contact the person you are visiting to let you in.

To further enhance safety, all Residence Hall doors, except the main entrance, are alarmed, alerting staff and the College Police if a door is opened. To enter the building, residents should swipe their ID card at the card readers located by Residence Hall front doors.

Some safety suggestions:

  • Carry your student ID and room key with you at all times.
  • Lock your door and take your key every time you leave your room.
  • Never give your keys or your student ID to anyone, even your best friend.
  • Do not prop open any doors in your residence hall.
  • Do not let strangers into the hall or into your room.
  • Report suspicious people/behavior in the hall immediately to any hall staff member or to the College Police.
  • Escort your guests at all times.
  • Know the telephone numbers for your resident assistant and hall director.
  • Close and lock your windows when you leave your room.
  • Do not hide door keys outside.
  • Do not leave valuables such as your ID, wallet, purse, music players, laptops or cell phones for all to see.
  • Use common sense and take ownership of your safety.

Sexual Assault Prevention

It's important to know the facts about date rape and sexual assault so you can avoid becoming a victim.

One of the most important things you need to understand is this: If you are a college-aged woman or man you can be at risk of date or acquaintance rape. Alcohol and/or date-rape drugs are often a factor. So how can you protect yourself?

Click here to learn more about Sexual Assault and Date Rape Prevention.

Vehicle Security

  • Never leave your keys in the car or ignition.
  • Always lock your car, even if you will be away for a short period of time.
  • Do not leave items of value in plain view, even if the car is locked. Put them in the trunk of your vehicle or take them with you.
  • If possible, park in well traveled and well lighted areas.
  • Consider installing anti-theft or alarm devices on your vehicle.

Arizona Automobile Theft Authority

Arizona Automobile Theft Authority. This is a valuable program designed to help us reduce stolen cars. It can help YOU keep YOUR car! Basically you register your car, then it is marked in a way that law enforcement can see that it participates in this program. If we see the car driving around a predetermined hours that you would not usually be operating you car, we will stop and check to make sure YOU are operating your car, and not a bad guy that has taken off in it. Check it out! http://www.aata.state.az.us