COVID response at YC has ended due to the lifting of the emergency order. For information regarding COVID-19 see CDC guidelines for more information
COVID-19 Information
Yavapai College's approach to Covid
Employee & Student Covid Reporting Form
Employees and students, please login the myYC portal to access the Covid Reporting form feature in the COVID-19 panel.
Click on the link that appears in your display and complete the form that appears.
Yavapai College Current COVID Procedures
YC Recommends All Individuals:
- Get vaccinated – According to the CDC, COVID vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness which could result in hospitalization or death. The recent emergence of the Omicron variant further emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters. The vaccines are widely available and are free
- Employees, students, and guests are strongly encouraged to wear protective face coverings when entering the common spaces of college buildings, or when riding in college vehicles with multiple passengers
- Students/employees in high-risk programs shall conduct daily temperature checks at Wello Stations
YC's COVID operations manual / checklists
- Operations Manual login
YC Requires All Individuals:
- Follow all college safety protocols at all times
- Stay home if you are sick, are waiting on COVID test results
- Isolate and self-report if you test positive for COVID-19
- Maintain personal hygiene including covering coughs and sneezes, as well as frequent hand-washing
YC Will Continue To:
- Promote best practices to reduce the spread of COVID
- Clean daily and sanitization using appropriate protocols
- Increase ventilation and filtration in all our spaces
- Monitor transmission and vaccination rates
Latest Updates
Dear students, faculty, and staff,
I hope you had a relaxing and joyful holiday season and winter break! Yavapai College is back, open for business, and gearing up for the spring semester, which begins on January 18.
Today, I am writing to inform you of changes to YC’s COVID-19 safety protocols for the spring semester. As always, our number one priority is the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
First, I want to thank you all for your willingness to follow the safety protocols during the fall semester collectively. Because of your resiliency, self-care, consideration for others, and flexibility, we were able to conduct and complete a productive semester filled with in-person classes, services, and extracurricular activities.
As you know, the Omicron variant is currently spreading rapidly throughout our communities. COVID-19 remains a severe threat, and this new variant further emphasizes precaution, care, and attention in order to maintain our high-quality instruction, services, and activities this spring.
Updates to YC COVID Procedures
On December 27, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its COVID-19 recommendations. YC has followed CDC guidance since March 2020, when the pandemic began and will continue to use this guidance along with other organizations and metrics to make the best operational decisions for the College.
We are also monitoring the discussions currently taking place between the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH) regarding workplace safety requirements and will provide updates if there are new requirements that affect the College.
The major change in the new CDC guidance is the reduction of quarantine and isolation times from 10 days to five days.
This change is now reflected in the College’s COVID-19 operating manual and safety protocols located on this page.
Additionally, we ask that all individuals continue to practice the following important health and safety protocols to protect themselves and others.
YC Requires:
- Individuals, including students, faculty, and visitors, to stay home if: they are sick or showing symptoms of COVID-19 or they are sick of any nature but have tested negative for COVID-19.
- Individuals to quarantine if: they have tested positive for COVID-19, or if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- All faculty, staff, and students to self-report positive COVID-19 tests or close contact exposures by using the appropriate reporting form in the myYC Portal. Only YC Contact Tracing has the authority to release faculty, staff, and students from quarantine
YC Recommends:
- The use of face coverings/face masks is recommended in indoor settings
- Individuals receive the COVID-19 vaccination and booster
- Individuals conduct a daily wellness check for COVID symptoms PRIOR to coming to any campus or center
- Individuals conduct temperature checks using Wello Stations located at: Building 19 Lobby - Prescott Campus; Building 2 Second Floor - Prescott Campus; Building L Upstairs Lobby - Verde Valley Campus; Answer Center - Prescott Valley Center
I urge all employees and students to remain vigilant, follow the requirements above, and review all of the information and resources available on this page. Supervisors, please review them with your staff, and faculty, please review them with students.
We are coming up on two full years of this pandemic affecting our daily lives. It is surreal. The physical, mental, and emotional impacts are abundant for us all. But as we have done every day since March of 2020, Yavapai College will be relentless. We have the tools in place and the passion in our hearts to continue forward, navigating through this new wave and positively impacting so many lives together.
- Sincerely,
- Lisa B. Rhine, Ph.D.
- President
- Yavapai College
Other Measures YC is Taking to Create a Safer Environment
YC has made several investments to create a safer physical space for when people resume face to face services:
- Improved building air quality by increasing air circulation and enhancing filtration
- Restrooms became more “touchless” by installing door foot-pulls, hands-free sinks and paper towel dispensers, and touchless toilets
- Installed hundreds of hand sanitizers throughout the District. Hand sanitizers located at virtually every exterior doorway and other high traffic areas
- Exterior Banners and Interior Posters displayed to remind people of best practices for a safe campus
- Floor markers installed in service areas to help people create social distance
- Installed acrylic shields in higher volume service areas
- Installed UV air filters in Health program areas
- Installed Nanoseptic anti-viral covers on frequently used external door handles
- Implemented daily Cleaning and COVID-exposure Disinfection protocols
- YC will continue to monitor county transmission and vaccination rates to guide our decisions on how many non-essential services to provide remotely versus face to face
College Services
- Remote means providing services online
- Open in-person means face to face services
- By appointment means face to face service can be provided if customer makes appointment
- Closed means no service, remote or otherwise
- Curbside means that our employees will bring things to people's cars
- Adult Basic Education: Open in-person
(928) 776-2092 Prescott - Advising Recruitment: Open in-person
(928) 776-2106 Prescott
(928) 634-6510 Verde - Advising Retention: Open in-person
(928) 776-2106 Prescott
(928) 634-6510 Verde - Admission: (M-Th Open in Person) (Closed Fri)
(928) 717-7777 - Art Gallery: Open in-person
(928) 776-2031 Prescott
(928) 649-5479 Verde - Bookstore: Remote 24x7, Open in-Person
(928) 776-2213 - Career Services: Open in-Person
(928) 776-2170 Prescott
(928) 717-7726 Verde - Cashier: (M-Th Open in Person) (Closed Fri)
(928) 776-2124 - College for Kids Prescott: Open in-Person
(928) 717-7755 - College for Kids Verde: Open in-Person
(928) 634-6537 - Community Education: Open in-Person
(928) 717-7755 Prescott
(928) 634-6537 Verde - Computer Commons: Open in-person
(928) 776-2158
M-F 9am-7pm, Sat 10am-4pm
Summer Hours M-TH 9am-6pm - Disability Resources :By Appointment
(928) 776-2057 - EdVentures: Open, In-person
(928) 717-7755 Prescott - Facilities: Open in-person
(928) 776-2180 - FEC: Open in-person
(928) 776-2111 - Financial Aid: Open in-person
(928) 776-2152 Prescott
(928) 634-6502 Verde - Fitness Center: Open
Mon-Fri: 6-9am; 11am-1pm; 4:30-7:30pm
Sat: 8-10am
(928) 776-2238 - Foundation:By Appointment
(928) 776-2025 - Human Resources: By Appointment Only
M-F 8am-noon
(928)776-2217 - Learning Center: Open in-person
M - Th 8a-5p
(928) 776-2085 Prescott
(928) 634-6562 Verde - Library: Open in-person
M - Th 8a-5p
(928) 776-2261 Prescott
(928) 634-6541 Verde - Library Cafe: Closed this Fall
(928) 776-2374 - Literary Southwest: Open in-person
- Mail/Print Center: Open in-person
(928) 776-2224 - OLLI classes: Open in-person
(928) 717-7634 Prescott
(928) 649-5550 Verde Valley / Sedona - Police: Open in-person
(928) 776-2185 - Pool: Open
Mon/Wed: 1-3pm
Tues/Thurs: 6-8am; 5:30-7:30pm
Fri: 6-9am
Sat: 10am-2pm
(928) 776-2238 - REDC: Open in-person
(928) 717-7332 - Residence Halls: Open in-person with restrictions
(928) 776-2220 - Registrar: Open, in-person
(928) 776-2149 Prescott - Rider Diner: Open in-person: Dine-in
(928) 776-2227 - SBDC: Remote
(928) 717-7232 - Sedona Cafe: Open in-person
(928) 634-6554 - Southwest Wine Center: Open in-person
(928) 634-6566- Open for Standard Service – Hours of operation 12-6pm, Thursday-Sunday
- Social distancing, face covers, and sanitation practices still followed.
- Student Activities- Clubs: Open in-person
(928) 776-2125 - Student Activities- Lounge: Open in-person
(928) 776-2125 - Student Activities- Pantry: Remote
(928) 776-2125 - Student Conduct: Open in-person
- Tennis: Open in-person
(928) 717-7169 - Testing: Open in-person - Trio- SSS: Open in-person
(928) 776-2084 Prescott
(928) 634-6596 Verde - Veteran Services:By Appointment
(928) 717-7613 - VVC Cafe: Expanded Vending Available
(928) 634-6554 - YCPAC: Open with Audience Size Limits
(928) 776-2000
Safety Protocols
Yavapai College will follow local, state, and federal guidelines as we resume face-to-face services. Colleges are complex organizations so multiple standards apply to YC departments, including Institutions of Higher Education workplace, dining, bars, housing, retail, mass gatherings, first responders, churches, childcare, etc. Consequently, not all of these are perfectly aligned with one another. This Operating Manual synthesizes and reconciles these standards into one comprehensive resource. Generally speaking, Yavapai College primarily follows the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance.
The following behaviors are recommended until further notice:
Employees, students, and guests are strongly encouraged to wear protective cloth face coverings when entering the common spaces of college buildings, or when riding in college vehicles with multiple passengers. Face coverings are most effective when adhering to CDC guidelines covering nose, mouth, and chin.1. Face Coverings
When in YC buildings, employees and students are not required to wear a face covering if they are by themselves in a private office or private residence. Their door is not required to be closed.
2. Get Vaccinated
According to the CDC, COVID vaccines are safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and which could result in hospitalization of death. The recent emergence of the Omicron variant further emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters. Moreover, it reduces people’s ability to spread the disease, which will help this pandemic end sooner. The vaccine is widely available and is free. If you have concerns or questions about getting the vaccine, please discuss your situation with a physician or health care provider that you know and trust.
3. Wellness Check
YC students and employees should conduct a daily wellness self-check looking for COVID symptoms PRIOR TO coming to campus.
4. Temperature Checks
One common COVID symptom is fever. YC recommends checking your temperature as part of your Wellness check. For your convenience, YC has Wello temperature check stations at both campuses and at the PV Center. Wello temperature check station locations are listed in “Additional Information, paragraph 2. What is a fever?”
5. Quarantine if in Close Contact with someone who has an active case of COVID - Learn More
If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with someone who has confirmed case of COVID, you should:
- Self-report on the Yavapai College portal so we can conduct contact tracing
- Follow the instructions provided by your YC case manager
- People who have received their booster OR are less than six months out from their second mRNA dose OR less than 2 months after the J&J vaccine do not need to quarantine following an exposure but should:
- Wear a mask around others for 10 days
- Test on day 5, if possible and Quarantine if positive
- People who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted:
- Stay home for 5 days
- Wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days
- Test on day 5 if possible and Quarantine if positive
The following behaviors are required until further notice:
A. Stay home if Sick or Awaiting COVID test results
We expect people who are sick to stay home, whether it is COVID or not. Faculty will work with students. Many employees can telecommute, and all employees have paid sick days.
Sick people who have tested for COVID are expected to stay off campus.
If you test positive for COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status:
- Stay home for 5 days
- If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours) after 5 days, you can leave your house
- Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days
B. Obligation to self-report if Test Positive for COVID-
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 must notify their supervisor and complete the Employee reporting form. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must notify their instructor(s) and complete the Student reporting form. Students and employees will be contacted by the Contact Tracing team after reporting.
NOTE:Only YC Contact Tracing has the authority to release students or staff from isolation/quarantine
C. Personal Hygiene
Students, employees, and guests are required to follow CDC recommendations for safe hygiene including a. Frequently wash hands or use hand sanitizers b. Do not touch face, mouth, eyes c. Practice sneeze/cough etiquette (using the crook of your elbow, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze).
*Employees can find additional information about these protocols in the
YC Operating Manual for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Student and Public Resources
All student and public services are available to help you either in-person or remotely. Each department has developed a phased-in approach to returning to campus. This includes services such as advising, financial aid, testing, tutoring, and many more.
Facility/Building Enhancements
Our facilities team has developed and implemented new procedures to keep our classrooms and buildings safe for students, employees, and visitors.
Deep cleaning and regular disinfecting practices have been implemented, and new safety enhancements have been installed in high-traffic buildings. Some of these new enhancements include:
- Touchless bathroom fixtures, including toilets, sinks, paper towel dispensers, and foot-pull door openers
- Improved air filters and circulation in buildings
- Hand sanitizer dispensers placed throughout buildings
- Social Distancing and face cover signage
- Acrylic shields in front-line service areas
Informative videos to reduce COVID-19 spread
Practice physical distancing.
Stay home as much as possible and don’t expose yourself to groups. Always stay at least six feet away from other people. Remember to stay connected to friends and family using alternative methods like technology.
Wash your hands frequently.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap is not available. Remember to avoid touching your face.
Stay home if you are sick.
If you need to see a healthcare provider, consider using telemedicine, if this is an option.
Understand the difference between quarantine and isolation.
It's important that everyone stay home as much as possible and especially if you are sick while we respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mask Best Practices
Mask Resources
- Free Masks Available
- The Best And Worst Face Masks For COVID-19
- Breathability Effectiveness in Masks
- Visualizing the Effectiveness of Face Masks
- Which Mask Should You Wear
- 3 layer mask: inner layer to absorb, middle to filter, and outer to not absorb (eg polyester)
- 2 layer mask of quilting cotton
- Commercial mask (eg CVS cone face mask)



Don't recommend:
- Bandana
- Scarf
- Face mask with valve
- Medical masks and N95 respirators as health workers need them



How to wear a mask properly

COVID-19 Resources
- AZ Governor's Office Executive Orders
- CDC / White House Coronavirus Taskforce Opening Up America Again Guidelines
- CDC: Accessible Link
- CDC: Deciding To Go Out in Public
- CDC: Close Contact & How long to Quarantine
- CDC: Face Coverings
- CDC: Prevent the Spread
- CDC: Quarantine & Isolation
- CDC Symptoms
- CDC: Symptoms
- CDC: Vulnerable Populations with Higher Risk of Severe Illness
- CDC: When to Return to Work after Sick with COVID-19
- CDC: What To Do If You Are Sick
HR COVID Toolbox
COVID-19 YC Reporting Resources & Procedures
- Employee Accommodation Request
- Employee Reporting Procedures
- Employee Reporting Form
- Operating Manual
COVID Vaccine Information
- CDC Vaccine FAQ
- CDC Find a Vaccine
- Vaccination Sites
- Local Testing Sites
- CDC Vaccine Brand Information
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- Moderna
- Johnson and Johnson's Janssen
COVID-19 Information / Resources
- If you are high risk
- If you have symptoms
- Home isolation guidelines
- COVID-19 CDC Testing Resource
- AZ Dept of Health Services
- World Health Organization
- Guidance for people who are vaccinated
- CDC travel advisory
- Yavapai County Community Health Services
Telecommuting Tools
- Guidelines (non-faculty) - temporary telecommuting guidelines
- Pointers for supervisors - supervisors actions to support telecommuting
- Tips for employees - working remotely is different than normal and it requires specific skills and habits
- ITS helpdesk - IT help with telecommuting equipment and software
- Securecloud remote access - connect to the securecloud to remote into your desktop
- Zoom collaboration - how to work effectively on Zoom
- Work from home tips #1 | tips #2 - IT tips for working from home
- Request office chair for home use - request to take your office chair to your home for telecommuting
- WIFI Users: Pro-tips and suggestions
Emotional Support Tools
- Managing rapid change in crisis
- 9 tips for managing stress during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Taking care of your mental health in times of uncertainty
- Managing your mental health
- How to prevent loneliness in a time of social distancing
- Stress and Coping- CDC guidelines
- That Discomfort You're Feeling Is Grief
Community Tools
- Community Health Center of Yavapai tele-counseling services- (928) 583-1000
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Prescott Area Resources
- West YC county resources - pdf
- Prescott area resources
- Prescott area food resources - pdf
- Small business resources
Verde Valley Area Resources