Dr. Emily McRobbie

Dr. Emily McRobbie is currently employed as Assistant Professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of Southern Maine. She teaches online graduate courses, including Facilitating Adult Learning, Leadership in Adult and Higher Education, and a support seminar for students completing internships and directed studies. Prior college teaching experience includes a wide variety of topics, including diversity in education, curriculum and instruction, science education, and the community college.
Emily began her career in K-12 education as a teacher in the Sedona-Oak Creek Unified School District (B.S. in Elementary Education and Natural Sciences from State University of New York at Geneseo) specializing in experiential science learning (M.A. in Science Education from University of Texas at Austin). She became interested in adult learning while working in the Northern Arizona University-Sedona partnership program as faculty and mentor teacher.
At Coconino Community College in Flagstaff, AZ she served as Professional Development Coordinator and later Education Faculty leading three teacher education certificate and degree programs. The first Teaching and Learning Center was established and she led the Training and Development Committee for five years.
While completing a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction (Ed.D. with a focus in Higher Education) at Northern Arizona University, she merged her interest in mindfulness and educator professional growth. She also mentored beginning teachers and managed a state-wide online continuing education program for educators in Arizona.
Dr. McRobbie has participated in professional organizations and activities that embrace holistic development, learner-centered focus, and transformative adult learning. These include the Center for Courage and Renewal’s Circles of Trust facilitator training, Teaching for a Change conferences, International Symposia for Contemplative Research, and the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education.