View the polished stone jewelry and charcoal, pastel and colored pencil drawings of Becky Solon, Monday through Friday, January 4 to February 16, at Yavapai College’s Sedona Center Lounge, 4215 Arts Village Drive, in Sedona.
There will be an artist’s reception at the Sedona campus on Friday, January 5, from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. The public is invited to the reception.
Solon, OLLI’s Featured Artist of the Month, graduated in 1971 from the Residential College at the University of Michigan and earned her MBA from Temple University. She also obtained a Master’s in Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. She presently takes classes and teaches at OLLI.
Solon's artistic expression engages the audience by introducing multiple types of art into a single presentation. Two-dimensional drawings shown with three-dimensional polished stone jewelry are offered together to produce the content of the exhibit.
A lifelong interest in mineral collecting and landscape photography are Solon's primary inspiration for this multimedia exhibit. Her geological themed landscape drawings have human characteristics and are anthropomorphic by design.
OLLI is a local, volunteer, peer-to-peer, adult education program (part of Yavapai College) that offers many learning groups and workshops each term for a nominal fee. For more information about OLLI or the featured exhibit, please call 928-649-4275 or visit