The District Governing Board meeting scheduled for March 25, 2025 at 1:00 pm will be rescheduled for March 26, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
The Governing Board’s legal counsel learned late on the morning of March 25, 2025 that the link on the College’s website to the District Governing Board’s March 25 meeting agenda was inadvertently not activated until the morning of March 25. The agenda was posted more than 24 hours in advance, but the link was not made “live” at the time. Therefore, members of the public attempting to access the meeting agenda from the College’s website could not do so at least 24 hours in advance.
The Strategic Plan is integrated with other collegewide planning initiatives, and has a rolling 3-year horizon.
The college has several major concurrent planning initiatives including Academic, Budget (Financial), Development (YCF), Facility Master Plan, Human Resources, Marketing & Recruitment, Retention, and Technology Plans.
Integrated planning ensures these plans are aligned. Moreover, integrated planning engages all sectors of the academy—academic affairs, student affairs, community relations and administrative services—to ensure we are all pulling in the same direction.
A rolling approach to planning provides the institution with an opportunity to be flexible and responsive to the dynamic local, national, and global environment. The planning process will involve continuous evaluation of the strategic priorities progress towards achieving YC's Mission and Ends, while simultaneously taking account of changes in our environment.
The rolling planning approach will enable YC to revise and develop our strategic direction, where necessary, while maintaining a focus on our Mission, Vision, and Values. This approach will enable the College to be responsive to emerging opportunities, and alert to uncertainty in our environment, needs, and opportunities.
In this phase, the Strategic Planning Committee is reviewing external data related to current issues and future trends in higher education, and YC specific data.
Strategic issues in higher education readings and discussions
An environmental scan analysis (awareness of Society, Political, Economy & Workforce, Education, Technology, Demographics)
Review of the current plan, Yavapai College 2015-2020 Strategic Plan
Review YC and benchmark data
Review of the recent PACE Campus Climate Survey
Review of the most recent Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Surveys
Review of the Mission, Vision, and Values Statements
This information will be the basis for creating the draft Strategic Plan Recommendations presented at the Data Summits
Review Mission, Vision, Values Fall 2020
The Strategic Planning Committee is reviewing the Colleges Mission, Vision, and Values. We need your input!
Mission, Vision, Values survey open Nov 9 – Dec 4
Synthesis and themes from stakeholder feedback
Dissemination and dialog of survey results at Spring 2021 Convocation
Strategic Areas and Dialogue January-April 2021
In this phase, the Strategic Planning Committee will present the new strategic areas based on its research. The committee will share this information in a live video presentation. Following the presentation, all stakeholders will be invited to complete a survey and participate in feedback circles.
College Staff and Faculty (District Wide)
District Governing Board
Community Leaders (Business, City & Towns, K-12, Non-Profit)
Community Members
Open forums and online survey to obtain stakeholder input and feedback
Synthesis and Draft Plan Development April 2021
In this phase, the Strategic Planning Committee will:
Finalize Strategic Plan Recommendations to ELT based on stakeholder input
If necessary, revise or develop new draft Mission, Vision, and Values statements
Review and Approval April-May 2021
In this phase, the strategic plan will be finalized and approved by the ELT, then shared with the DGB as information
Strategic Plan and 3 to 5 initiatives finalized
Alignment of the strategies that currently or will govern the institution, including but not limited to the following:
Academic Master Plan: The Academic Master Plan is a further definition of the academic mission of the college as we strive to fulfill the Ends assigned to us by our District Governing Board: Which programs are needed to help job seekers gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed, to help transfer students be successful at their next institution, to support the economy in developing economic base jobs, and to provide social and cultural opportunities?
Budget:The Budget represents the institution’s financial plan, ensuring we have the resources needed to provide quality programs and services both now and into the future.
Development: The Yavapai College Foundation (YCF) has a core purpose of building resources and community awareness to make the strategic goals of Yavapai College a reality. As the College embarks on a new strategic initiative, YCF has created a plan to directly support the College’s objectives and to be prepared to make the necessary and quick changes in the future that may be needed to create a successful journey for students and our programs
Facility Master Plan: The Facility Master Plan identifies the long term priorities for updating and building physical facilities in support of the Strategic Plan as the College fulfills its ultimate goal of transforming students’ lives. YC’s current plan was developed in 2021-2022.
Human Resources: The HR plan ensures we have the resources and processes in place to ensure YC is the Employer of Choice.
Marketing, Enrollment, & Recruitment: YC has adopted a Strategic Enrollment Management methodology using data-informed processes to identify, recruit, and enroll new students. This plan identifies various modes of making people aware of YC and its programs (Marketing) such as radio, print, and social media. It also identifies the best way to utilize our limited recruiting and outreach staff as we strive to make a personal connection with both traditional-age and adult prospects.
Technology: The Technology Plan identifies hardware, software, and support services needed to improve employee productivity and student success.