We are an international organization of college students
preparing for careers in business and business-related fields.
Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship
through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Yes! I'd like to learn more about FBLA.
➡️ Members have Opportunities to:
- 🎖️Develop leadership skills
- 🎖️Prepare for their career
- 🎖️Connect with business leaders
- 🎖️Learn vital communication skills
- 🎖️Compete in over 55 events to show business knowledge/skills
- 🎖️Network with members from across the nation
- 🎖️Connect with rewarding community service
- 🎖️Create lasting memories and life-long friends
➡️ The Core Themes of the FBLA Collegiate Roadmap
- Honing 21st century skills
- Developing individual vision and personal brand
- Building relationships with mentors in the business community
- Being a mentor to someone else
- Networking and completing internship experiences
- Understanding that business principles are a part of every
By the end of their FBLA Collegiate experience, it's a goal that members:
- Demonstrate the ability to lead a team by bringing out the best in team members
- Understand the business development cycle
- Develop a personal brand
✅ Advisor
Deanna Mooney, M.S.
✅ Officers
- President: Jadyn Ferris
- Vice President: Nic Clower
- Secretary: Kitty Roberts
- Treasurer: Rameny Run
- Historian: Luke Smith
- Parliamentarian: Jackson James
🚩 Click photo for detail view of medals
- 🎖️Luke Smith
Job Interview - 1st Place - 🎖️Susie Jaimes
Foundations of Communication - 3rd Place - 🎖️Rameny Run
Foundations of Economics - 2nd Place - 🎖️Susie Jaimes
Organizational Behavior and Leadership - 2nd Place - 🎖️Susie Jaimes
Project Management - 1st Place - 🎖️Rameny Run and Nic Clower
Business Ethics - 1st Place - 🎖️Rameny Run, Nic Clower, and Luke Smith
Emerging Business Issues - 1st Place
- 🎖️Kitty Roberts
Marketing Concepts - 2nd Place - 🎖️Jackson James
Foundations of Technology - 1st Place, Business Ethics - 1st Place, Impromptu Speaking - 1st Place - 🎖️Susie James
Organizational Behavior and Leadership - 1st Place - 🎖️Nic Clower and Campbell Augustinovich
Business Presentation - 1st Place - 🎖️Luke Smith, Nic Clower, and Rameny Run
Emerging Business Issues - 1st Place - 🎖️Campbell Augustinovich
Public Speaking - 2nd Place - 🎖️Kitty Roberts and Luke Smith
Job Interview - 3rd Place (Kitty Roberts), 1st Place (Luke Smith)
- 🎖️Lukas Solano
Network Design 1st place, Global Analysis & Decision Making 2nd place - 🎖️Bryan Matuskey
Organizational Behavior & Leadership 1st place, Project Management 2nd place - 🎖️Alexander Jensen
Entrepreneurship Concepts – 1st place, Management Concepts 1st place, Project Management 3rd place - 🎖️Jadyn Ferris
Marketing Concepts 1st place - 🎖️Lukas Solano and Jadyn Ferris
1st Place Team Decision Making
- 🎖️Bryan Matuskey and Nic Clower
Finance Case Competition 1st place - 🎖️Brian Matuskey, Nic Clower, Lukas Solano
Management Case Competition – 2nd place - 🎖️Alex Bacci
Impromptu Speaking – 3rd place - 🎖️Jadyn Ferris
Public Speaking 3rd place - 🎖️Eric Hall
Outstanding Chapter Advisor - 🎖️Yavapai College
Outstanding Chapter
- 🎖️Eric Hall
Outstanding Chapter Advisor for Arizona