Public Forum Event Guidelines
A. Invited Speakers
1. Public Forums are open to speakers invited by Students, Student Organizations, and College faculty in accordance with Policy 10.10.
2. The College shall make reasonable efforts to address the safety of persons engaged in Speech in a Public Forum, including invited speakers and persons attending invited speakers’ events.
3. The College may charge a reasonable fee for the provision of security services at Speech in a Public Forum, provided security fees are charged uniformly and not based on the content of the Speech.
B. After-Hours Speech in a Public Forum
Speech in a Public Forum on College Property is prohibited from 9:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m., seven (7) days per week, excluding Speech associated with Ordinary College Operations or College Sponsored Activities, without the express written permission of the Associate Vice President – Student Affairs or their designee.
C. Amplified Sound
The College reserves the right to restrict or prohibit the use of amplified sound during Speech in a Public Forum when it is reasonably likely to interfere or disrupt Ordinary College Operations, College Sponsored Activities, or other College Authorized Activities.