Institutional Policies and Instructor Procedures
Institutional policies and instructor procedures are essential in higher education as they provide a structured framework that ensures fairness, consistency, and clarity for students. These guidelines help set clear expectations for academic behavior and resources, fostering an environment of respect, safety, and accountability. By establishing these standards, Yavapai College promotes student success, upholds academic integrity, and creates a supportive learning epironment.
Student Email
Yavapai College provides enrolled students with an official email address. Yavapai College requires enrolled students to utilize the YC email system for official college-related communications. Students are expected to check their Yavapai College email account as directed by their instructor. If you need assistance, go to Information Technology Services or 928.776.2168.
Students are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings, laboratories, and field trips. A student who expects to be absent due to a school-sponsored activity must make prior arrangements with the instructor.
Course Withdrawal
A student-initiated withdrawal deadline is established by the college. If a student has not withdrawn from a class by the deadline, the student will receive the letter grade earned in the course at the end of the semester; earned grades will be posted on the student’s permanent record. Academic Calendar
Active participation in an online class is a measurable activity that requires a student to engage in materials and complete and submit some type of assignment.
Academic Integrity
Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. It is expected that students will submit their own work. The presentation of work not created by the student as one's own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through cheating, plagiarism, the prohibited use of generative AI, or other dishonest means are violations of the college’s Student Code of Conduct.
Definitions of plagiarism, cheating, and violation of copyright and penalties for violation are available in the Yavapai College Student Code of Conduct.
Respect for the rights of others and for the college and its property are fundamental expectations for every student.
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct outlines behavioral expectations and explains the process for responding to allegations of student misconduct.
Students are expected to respond and write in a respectful, professional, and appropriate manner in all forms of communication and when activities are assigned to create scenarios, discuss opinions, present on a selected subject, or post to the web board. Inappropriate language or objectionable material will not be tolerated and could result in disciplinary measures and/or a failing grade for the class.
Civil Dialogue Statement
Regardless of venue or delivery method, faculty must ensure and maintain an environment appropriate for higher education. To promote a positive educational experience, appropriate and civil communication is an expectation of all students. All communication must remain respectful. Language or behavior that is threatening, intimidating, harassing, defamatory, libelous, or obscene is unacceptable. Failure to abide by these standards may result in disciplinary measures. Please see Public Access and Expression on College Property (10.10) for further detail.
Academic Complaints
A student may appeal an academic or instructional decision by faculty if s/he deems the decision to be made in error. The appeal must be made in a timely manner in accordance with established procedures. Academic Complaints (3.16).
Student Basic Needs
Yavapai College recognizes that access to basic needs such as food and safe shelter are vital to a successful academic experience. Students who have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat, lack a safe and stable place to live, have difficulty affording required items for classes, or are without health insurance may contact the Strong Foundations program for basic needs support services.
Acceptable Use
Yavapai College's technological equipment and resources must be used in accordance with the Technology Resource Standards (5.27), Copyright Use (2.28), and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing (5.26) policies. Use of Yavapai College equipment and resources to illegally copy, download, access, print, or store copyrighted material or download pornographic material is strictly prohibited. For example, file-swapping of copyrighted material, such as music or movies, is strictly prohibited. Users found to violate this policy will have their privileges to use Yavapai College's technological equipment and resources revoked.
Mobile Devices
Yavapai College is committed to providing a quality learning environment. All cell phones and mobile devices must be placed in silent mode while in classrooms, computer labs, libraries, learning centers, and testing areas. Cell phones must be used outside these facilities.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Yavapai College is committed to limiting exposure to the harmful effects of primary and secondary smoke to campus students, visitors, and employees. In order to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use and to maintain a healthful working and learning environment, the college prohibits smoking, including vaping, on all campuses except in designated smoking areas as per Smoking & Tobacco Use (10.09).
Drug-Free Environment
Yavapai College’s policy is to provide an environment free of drugs and alcohol. The use of illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol pose significant threats to health and can be detrimental to the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the user and the entire Yavapai College community and is prohibited. Campus Safety will be notified if a student exhibits an impaired state in the classroom environment.
Title IX -Notice of Nondiscrimination
Yavapai College does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admissions and employment.
To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint about sexual harassment, which also includes acts of sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual coercion, unwanted touching, dating/relationship violence, and stalking, please refer to Title IX and Preventing Sexual Harassment.
Disability Resources
Disability Resources ensures qualified students with disabilities equal access and reasonable accommodations in all Yavapai College academic programs and activities. YC supports disability and accessibility awareness and promotes a welcoming environment for all. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and requires Yavapai College to make reasonable accommodations for those otherwise qualified individuals with a disability who request accommodations.
Yavapai College is committed to providing educational support services to students with documented disabilities. Accommodations for a student must be arranged by the student through Disability Resources by phone at 928.776.2085 or email