Yavapai College Under Delayed Opening Until 10AM Tuesday, Jan. 28
All Yavapai College Campuses and Centers are under a delayed opening on Tuesday, January 28. Campuses and centers are closed until 10 a.m. All classes prior to 10 a.m. are canceled. Students should contact their instructors for details. The District Governing Board Budget Workshop will begin at 10:00am.
Take the ACCUPLACER Placement Tests to measure and understand your current skill level in reading, writing, and mathematics
Please take the Reading, Writing, and Math ACCUPLACER assessments prior to scheduling an appointment with an academic advisor. Contact Academic Advising for information.
Have you previously taken a placement test?
If you have taken a college placement assessment ( ACCUPLACER) it may be possible to use part or all the scores for placement. Math and Writing scores must be 2 years old or less. ACCUPLACER scores must include the "WritePlacer" assessment for English placement.
Have you taken any of these High School tests?
If you have taken the SAT or ACT test and have scores at or above the scores listed below, it may be possible to use part or all the scores for placement. Math and Writing scores must be 2 years old or less.
To discuss using alternate test scores, please contact the Testing Center at (928) 776-2200. Please email score reports to Testing@YC.edu with your phone number attached.
To make an appointment to complete the ACCUPLACER Placement Test: